Monday Night For The Master is a ministry which began at our church in January of 2010. The idea behind this ministry is taken from where Jesus said,
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me." |
We wanted to have an organized way to use our individual gifts in ministry and go beyond worship and study to a way of living out our faith in service to others.
We meet for MNFTM every other Monday during the school year and once a month during the summer. The night begins with a meal at 6pm and from 6:30pm - 8:00pm we break into groups to serve. The groups include Visitation, Card Writing, Service Project, Teen Ministry, and Prayer. Additional groups give of their time in supportive ways which include: Meal Preparation, Setup/Clean-up and Child-care.
In looking back over the past few years, not only has MNFTM been one of our most successful ministries, but our recent growth as a church can be traced back to coincide with the time we started these nights dedicated to our Master.
We meet for MNFTM every other Monday during the school year and once a month during the summer. The night begins with a meal at 6pm and from 6:30pm - 8:00pm we break into groups to serve. The groups include Visitation, Card Writing, Service Project, Teen Ministry, and Prayer. Additional groups give of their time in supportive ways which include: Meal Preparation, Setup/Clean-up and Child-care.
In looking back over the past few years, not only has MNFTM been one of our most successful ministries, but our recent growth as a church can be traced back to coincide with the time we started these nights dedicated to our Master.