Belgium Mission
Jean-Marie Frerot - Belgium

Jean-Marie and Suzanne Frerot. Jean-Marie and Suzanne have been preaching in Verviers, Belgium for over 50 years, the area where both were raised. It is the French speaking part of the country, so many of the members have come from French speaking areas throughout the world, especially Africa. The congregation in Verviers meets in their own building near the center of the city and attendance is approaching 100, often times leaving standing room only. An upper area of the building is used as an extension learning center for students from Freed-Hardeman college. While the contributions of the Verviers congregation cover the expenses of the building, it is not enough to support Jean and Suzanne’s living expenses, which is where Sands Springs has been able to help throughout the years. Members of the Sand Springs congregation have visited the Frerots and the Verviers congregation and another visit will take place in 2014. Jean-Marie and Suzanne have three grown children and several grand-children in France, the Middle East and in Virginia.